Sunday, August 13, 2017

Det behövs fler skolor och lärare i Sverige

More schools and teachers are needed in Sweden

Before you go ahead and read the text, try to listen to the full audio file by clicking on the blue button bellow after that study the word-list (words to learn) below then listen to the audio file again and try this time to capture the words you've just learnt by listening and finally read the full script by clicking on the link near the blue button to take you to the original text!

Words to learn:

Det beror på att... = It is due to the fact that...
att öka = to increase
en kommun = a municipality
ännu = even (ännu mer = even more)
få = few
färre = fewer
ett ansvar = responsibility
utbilda sig = to educate one's self

fler = several, more
mer = more